5 weeks of self discovery to awaken and reconnect with your creativity



Make art that is truly you

Freedom to be yourself

Create for pleasure

Awaken your creativity

imagine if you could...

Speaking with other women & makers, many share with me the struggle of being creative, original, and stand out from the crowd.
It took me a long time to understand what creativity truly is, how to connect with it and use it.

As women we were born to create, this is part of our magic, who we are, our essence.

Creativity looks different to different people. Everyone expresses it differently. Everyone feels it in a different way.
You might use your creativity to dress, paint, macrame, cook, play music, sew, write, teach, surf or inspire others.

However, many women struggle to call themselves creatives.

do you want to tap into and trust your CREATIVITY?

are you ready to stop self doubt everything you create?
are you seeking inspiration,creativity and deeper connection with your work?


coming to a browser near you

This course is a journey created to suit anyone that is curious to explore creativity, no experience needed.
You will not get modules or rules to follow, instead, you will give yourself the space and the time to awaken your creativity and listen to it.
I will guide & empower you during our journey together and help you rediscover your unlimited creativity and re-connect with you. 
You will experience a journey of how to tend and tap into your self worth, energy, creativity, fire & magic.

Awaken your creativity

You were born creative

Create following your instincts & intuition

Freedom to be you, no expectations, no external validations

Give space to your creativity to be express

Believe that you are creative


Nourish your curiosity, discover how creative you truly are!

This is the course that will give you the tools, space, time and permission to be creative as an act of self-love and care

Open the portal to your creative soul

you are not excited to reconnect with your creativity

you don't beliEve in community over competition

you are not ready to trust yourself

you are looking for a foRmula 

It's NOT for you if:

love the idea to be creative for your own pleasure

ready to give space for creativity to connect with you

you are excited and scared at the same time to awaken your creativity

YOU ARE CURIOUS TO explore your creativity

this program IS for you if:

A Breakdown of The Program

With the help of breath work and a gentle guided session you will work on exploring creativity & trusting yourself onto this journey.
You will get ready for it by exploring your creative energy with different materials, items, ideas, thoughts and more.
By the end of week one you should already feel a shift and deeper connection.

Gather & Trust



Remember when you were just a kid and could build and play without expectations, without getting attached to the outcome? You will explore and play with your unique visuals, picturing in your mind's eye 'art' that you can recreate it in real life. You will learn the power of letting go, by peeling some creative blocks and creating without focusing on the end result. How liberating! 

Visualize + Play

Week 2


You will keep exploring and dive deeper to connect with your creativity.
Allow yourself to go in the flow to play, make, write, undo, redo, start something completely new, and try something you have never done before. Simply be creative and honour the creative process.


Week 3


Week 4


In this expansive week, you will explore ways to keep your creative rituals/habits an integral part of your lifestyle.
Everyone is unique and everyone should have their own way to connect with creativity daily, a way that feels natural to you.

New Habits + Beliefs


Celebrate the new you!
We will use this final week to share the journey and celebrate the wins.
Most of all we will be celebrating your new relationship with your creativity, now that she is awake, she will take you to a new incredible path.


Week 5


weaving creativity has helped me make time for myself which also allows me to hear and make creative connections in my head.
I thought I had lost that for good.
Thank you isabella!


Weaving Creativity was a completely holistic course covering creativity and how to increase creative potential including tapping into the spiritual side of creative ability. An amazing approach which I have not seen covered before. Isabella was amazing. Loved the meditations


thank you for creating all these classes for us, for taking the time to help us reveal this side of ourselves with ourselves and with the world. It's such a beautiful opportunity you are giving us.

loving words from my online students 

I'm Isabella a macrame artist & educator with a passion for anything handmade and designed. I'm passionate about helping people find time to be creative with their lifestyle and fell in love with macrame. I run workshops and online courses for all the people that want to learn this craft in-depth and from the comfort of their homes.
I've been featured on the Sunday Telegraph , I've taken part in Kirstie HandMade Christmas 2018 and I often write macrame tutorials and share tips for magazines like Mollie Makes, In The Moment, GoodHomes, Psycology and Hobby Craft blog. I was one of the finalists for the Etsy Design Award 2019. My first book 'Macrame for the modern home' come out in 2020, Macrame Jewellery & Macrame Christmas in 2023. 

Hi friends, I'm Isabella Strambio

I empower women to awaken their creativity!


one- payment

creative journey



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Do you want to be an
authentic creative? 

feel free to get in touch if you have any more questions about Weaving, Creativity

Common questions?


Who's this course for?
This course is for anyone that is curious about learning more about their own creativity

Are the lessons live? Can I follow at my own pace?
The 'lessons' are pre-recorded to accommodate everyone's lifestyle & time zone. You will be able to follow the course at your own pace.
Each week starting on 9th of October, for 5 weeks, a new module will be released.
You will have access to the course for 8 weeks

Would I need to purchase lots of materials?
No, you will gather and use items from your home, craft stash, foraged outdoor and only if you feel you need to, purchase some materials.

Can I have a refund?
Please note, that due to the digital nature of this program, we are unable to offer a refund

Are you ready to awaken your creativity?