As your love for macrame grows and you find yourself creating more frequently, you will also want to invest in more tools. I picked three tools from my kit that I guarantee will enhance your macrame experience and make the process easier on your body.
Macrame is a wonderful craft and what’s even better is that when you start macrame you don’t really need any specific tools or equipment.
However, as your love for macrame grows and you make macrame more frequently, there are 3 tools that will improve the way you work and will make the macrame-making process easier and kinder to your body too.
I have been doing macrame since 2016 and I believe these three tools are worth investing in and they are not that expensive either. Win-Win situation.
EDIT– Since posting this blog post I have discovered new tools that are brilliant for macrame makers and weavers. They are not essential when you start macrame but are very useful if you are taking this craft seriously. I recommend that you check this blog post ‘Secret tools of a macrame artist’ here.

Adjustable clothes rail on casters
As soon as you start making medium to large wall hangings, having an adjustable clothes rail will make your life much easier. Your rail becomes your working station.
Firstly you will be able to hang your macrame while you are making and adjust the height depending if you decide to work while standing or sitting on a chair/stool/floor. Knotting for longer than 30 minutes is a proper workout and your shoulders and back could start to ache. So it’s important that you look after your posture. (I also recommend regular stretching and taking regular breaks).
Secondly, as you make a larger macrame it might take longer than a day to finish it and it’s much easier to store your work, without damaging it, by keeping it on the rail and moving it somewhere that’s not in the way.
Thirdly, you can work on more than one piece at a time by hanging various macrame on your rail.
My rails are from IKEA, but you can find similar ones online.

‘S’ hooks
These are probably the first things you are going to buy. It helps if you hung your macrame wall hanging or planters from your rail. Mine are not regular ‘S’ hooks, the size at the top is bigger than the bottom. I found these very handy because they can fit different sizes of wooden dowels.
I got mine from Amazon, and you can find similar ones online and in kitchenware shops.

Sharp scissors
You can use craft scissors when you prep your strings, but when you are cutting fringes and making items like feathers or trimming the beautiful fringe of a wall hanging, you need and want the best macrame scissors, they need to be super sharp to get a neat edge. That’s what makes the macrame final look outstanding.
In the past few years, I have used many different types of scissors and I have found that the best macrame scissors are from Fiskars on Amazon. I keep this pair of scissors only for cutting macrame fringes and I use more basic ones for my general cutting and prep.
As I said, investing in the best macrame scissors is a must to complete your macrame look, especially if you are planning to sell your macrame.

Once you have these 3 essential macrame tools your macrame making will improve and become quicker and better.
Are you interested in getting more insights on macrame tools? Check my latest blog ‘Secret tools of a macrame artist’ here.
Are looking to learn how to improve your macrame skills, check the macrame page and all the opportunities to macrame with me.
Let me make it easy for you- Become a confident Macrame Artist is the signature program that I run since 2018 and has helped hundreds of women find confidence in making and designing macrame.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at
Happy Knotting
Isabella x