Small Business


What I’ve learned while running my 12-week group program, ‘From Creative Overwhelm to Business Success’, is that many of my students who joined, struggled to decide on how to pick a brand name for their creative business. Give an identity to your creative business with a name, can be a little like naming a baby. […]

4 Tips to pick a brand name for your creative business

Creative business

Isabella Strambio bio picture for her book

It has been just over a month from our move from the city to the country and already so much has changed in my daily routine. I’ve made a list!!! I would love to hear your thoughts too. Have you made the big move from the city to the country? Are you thinking about it? […]

Slow Living in the Country

Small Business

While Twome was growing and developing, my husband and I have been looking to relocate out of London. After the first apprehensions, which lasted about 6 moths, I got used to the idea of leaving the big smoke behind for a quieter lifestyle. It’s strange how much easier it has been, for us, to move […]

Bye Bye London, We Are Moving to the Country

Small Business