

What’s the best way to learn macrame? I love sharing everything I’ve learned about this mindful craft in my blog. Here you can find out all you need to know to learn this mindful craft. I’ve been teaching macrame weekly since 2016 in the UK and abroad. I teach this craft in three different ways: […]

3 Ways to Learn Macrame: from live workshops to online classes


It has been just over a month from our move from the city to the country and already so much has changed in my daily routine. I’ve made a list!!! I would love to hear your thoughts too. Have you made the big move from the city to the country? Are you thinking about it? […]

Slow Living in the Country

Small Business

Here it is on paper! It’s strange to see you name on paper, the tutorial you made on your kitchen table, even your photo, but it makes me so proud of what I have achieved in the last 12 months! My 2018 could’t have started any better. 2017 wasn’t an easy year, lots of changes […]

My Tutorial on Mollie Makes Magazine!


While Twome was growing and developing, my husband and I have been looking to relocate out of London. After the first apprehensions, which lasted about 6 moths, I got used to the idea of leaving the big smoke behind for a quieter lifestyle. It’s strange how much easier it has been, for us, to move […]

Bye Bye London, We Are Moving to the Country

Small Business